Sunday, May 6, 2007

Water Kefir Extraterrestial ?

Water Crystals sometimes known as Japanese Water Crystal, Water Kefir, California Bees, Tibicos, Tepache, Wasserkefir, Piltz, Colonch, Rapaddura, Corn Beverage, Tibetan Mushrooms, Flanken con Luck-Shun, and Brooklyn Haza Rye

Water crystals are a trip and a half. I think they are extra terrestrial or aliens of some kind, I also think they are female and I will tell you why. I just started experimenting with re hydrating dehydrated water kefir. I took a cup dehydrated kefir and a cup of live working kefir out of its regular working cycle. I put both cups of grains in 3/4 of a gallon spring water with a cup of sugar at 10 pm. Great scientist that I am I immediately got them mixed up but I noticed a few hours later that one jug of mixture was absolutely clear and the other was cloudy also the cloudy one had a kefir smell and the clear one didn't.

The nest morning about 10 hours into the brew I checked the jugs and there was absolutely nothing going on with either of them. The grains just lay on the bottom. There should have been something going on. I had things to do during the day and when I finally checked again maybe 8 hours later still nothing. I thought maybe I forgot to put in sugar so I took a sample from each and they did have sugar, I panicked and put in some lemon peel, some ginger and another half cup sugar and the next morning nothing from either of them. I thought they were dead. Oh; at some point the clear one became as cloudy as the cloudy one so now I couldn't tell them apart at all. At the point where I put in the extra sugar lemon and ginger, I added another dehydrated cup to another jug in the same original measurements with no lemon etc.

Now this is where it gets strange. About 5 hours later all three jugs of kefir are bubbling. the last jug to be added was clear when it started and now it was bubbling and it was still clear. The only thing different about the 3 jugs was that the new one had larger and lessor bubbles. The bubbles were larger and there were less of them. The new jug had the usual grains floating on the top and in mid suspension like they do, also there were the usual grains traveling up and down. The other jugs had the tiny champagne bubbles going on and there were more of them and they were in a faster gear but they were in the same sync and they shouldn't have been plus the new jug shouldn't have been bubbling so early.

I don't like to speculate in general when I have no reason or basis for speculation but the only thing I can think of is like when women get on the same cycle. I don't know what to think about that either.

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